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Elyakim Tank - Master plan and Landscape Planning


Customer: Mekorot
On the project: Planning and approval of a detailed plan for determining the use of an engineering facility for a drinking water tank and its facilities in the Mount Carmel National Park, including a detailed examination of alternatives in a high scenic sensitivity area. The plan included instructions for dismantling old structures and restoring the landscape.
Planning to rehabilitate the landscape of the tank included tree survey, planning and accompanying tree relocation in coordination with the Israel Nature and Parks Authority and cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the JNF, a high protection hydroseeded dirt battery was designed at the front of the tank facing the Eliakim Interchange, in a way that hides the tank from the eyes of Yokneam residents and passengers on Route 6.
The battery was designed with hydroseeding, which stabilizes the slope and creates a green cover, local trees are planned for optimal integration into the Carmel landscape.
With the operation of the new tank, a tender was issued for the planned Phase B – dismantling the old tank and landscape restoration of the complex according to the plan.






